Επιλογή Σελίδας

Casino & Gambling Halls ​

Creating a unique experience for casino guests is of paramount importance. Once they arrive, they want to feel excited and full of energy, and the casino owners want to offer them a great atmosphere. The use of scent in the casino environment not only creates brand loyalty, but also ensures the return of visitors and, by that very fact, increases consumer spending. This is because the sense of smell is directly linked to our brain and controls memory and emotion.

Boost your CUSTOMER experience

Scent casinos and gambling halls

Testing at a US casino showed that gambling revenue rose by 48% after the diffusion of certain scents
Proven success through ambient scentin

Scent Marketing is applied with a great success in the entertainment industry all over the world. Studies have shown that aroma can help casinos increase their revenues up to 53%. Other studies showed that guests rated their nights better and extended their stay in scented environments. Scenting is favorable not only for the guests but also for the staff.


Gambling halls are often overwhelmed by cigarette or cigar smoke that is almost impossible to get rid of. Aroma’s Arotec technology designed for masking the smell of smoke and bad smells all in all has revolutionized ambient scenting. Casinos no longer have to worry about the unpleasant smells that remain in the air, and guests will smell nothing but the signature scent.


Surveys show that gamblers bet 45% more when they are in a pleasantly scented ambient. Aroma technology can clean the air from the most difficult odors, such as smoke, and leave a pleasant scent in the environment.